Dengue fever
In the week ending October 19, 18 new dengue cases were confirmed from 73 samples tested, including twelve residents of Tahiti, two residents of Moorea, one resident from Huahine and one resident from Bora-Bora (both in Society Islands archipelago), according to French Polynesia health officials.
The total number of reported cases is 207 (191 confirmed cases and 16 probable cases) since November 27, 2023.
Since 11/27/2023, among the 154 serotyped samples, DENV-2 has been identified in 44% of cases and DENV-1 in 56%.
No severe cases or deaths were reported since November 2023.
One confirmed case was reported during the week ending October 19, bringing the total cases to 153 since the beginning of the year.
Among them, 109 have been investigated: 84.4% report the presence of rats at home or at the workplace, 61.5% indicate practicing gardening and/or agricultural activities.
Thirty-three confirmed pertussis, or whooping cough cases were reported in residents of Tahiti and Moorea during the week ending October 19.
Since the start of the epidemic in June, 191 confirmed cases have been identified. Among all the cases investigated, 10 children required hospitalization, including 8 infants aged 8 months or less. The only adult hospitalized was from epi week 36 at the CHPF maternity ward.
The majority of reported cases are people aged 7 to 79 (86%), and 17% are infants (<1 year).