The Central African Republic (CAR) Ministry of Health is reporting a Rift Valley fever (RVF) outbreak in early January in the Ngaoundaye health district, in sub-prefecture of Lim-Pendé bordering Chad and Cameroon.
To date, four cases (1 confirmed and 3 suspected), including one fatality have been reported from the region. Additionally, nine contacts have been identified and are being monitored.
The index case is a 23-year-old male from Quartier Pana-1 who worked as an auxiliary for the military police force at the CAR-Cameroon-Chad border.
He presented at the hospital with symptoms of fever, headache, abdominal pain and bleeding from the nose and mouth on December 24. Laboratory testing proved positive for RVF.
Officials report the primary economic activity in the Ngaoundaye health district is sheep and cattle breeding. In addition, there is regular movement of people and animals across the CAR-Cameroon-Chad borders.
Rift Valley Fever is mosquito-borne virus that is endemic in parts of Africa. It primarily infects animals like sheep, cattle and goats and it can have an economic impact on a community due to the loss of livestock.
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Humans get infected through contact with infected animal blood or organs. Butchering and slaughtering of animals is a primary cause of transmission to humans. Certain occupations are at a higher risk of getting Rift Valley Fever like farmers, herders and veterinarians.
It can also be transmitted to humans through mosquito bites and the bites of blood-sucking flies.
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Most cases of Rift Valley Fever are mild and symptoms include fever, headaches and muscle pain. However, a small percentage of people can get serious disease which includes retinitis, encephalitis and a hemorrhagic fever. Fatalities happen in less than 1 percent of those infected.