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“Your source for all the news about worms and germs”

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About me: I was the longtime editor of the website, outbreaknewstoday.com. I also started the podcast, Outbreak News Interviews found on numerous platforms.

As a lifelong microbiologist and medical laboratory scientist, I have a passion about news and information about infectious diseases and outbreaks seen globally, as is reflected here on the site.

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Outbreak News Today is an online newsblog magazine which focuses on news, information and podcasts about infectious diseases and outbreaks.


Microbiologist, blogger and podcaster with an interest in infectious diseases.
One Health, Public Health Professional, Researcher, and Microbiologist
Im an undergraduate Veterinary Medicine Student studying at the Chattogram Veterinary and Animal SciencesUniversity, Bangladesh. I have passion for microbiology since from the first year which drive me to write something about biological science