The Brazil Ministry of Health announced that they will replace the two booster doses of bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV), known as drops, with one dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is injectable, so that the vaccination schedule against the disease will be exclusive to IPV.
I was vaccine injured, autistic and reversed it with knowledge. F.Y.I: All autism is brain inflammation caused by the vax ( thank you, Dr. Blaylock). Detox the heavy metals and other adjuvants, as well as the parasites in the shots, and will make autism disappear. Stop eating inflammatory foods, such as lectins and recovery times speed up. Stop being a victim of the pharmaceutical industry.
I was vaccine injured, autistic and reversed it with knowledge. F.Y.I: All autism is brain inflammation caused by the vax ( thank you, Dr. Blaylock). Detox the heavy metals and other adjuvants, as well as the parasites in the shots, and will make autism disappear. Stop eating inflammatory foods, such as lectins and recovery times speed up. Stop being a victim of the pharmaceutical industry.
My vaccine injury recovery story: